I'm interested in the general lack of overlap between diversity initiatives and disability services. I think it stems from a few different factors.
1) Lots of people don't see disability as a form of diversity
2) More importantly, though, disability comes with a whole mandatory legal apparatus that places it, administratively, in a "student services" context (and under a Dean of Students). Diversity initiatives often operate as their own administrative tier, looking at students - staff - faculty, and not within the student framework.
I'm not sure about this though and hope to do more research over the next year (post book).
Finally, I'm interested in the iconography. How does one represented disability in pictures? I think it means visible disability, rather than invisible, which is of course its own set of problems.
More to come!
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1) Interesting piece by @conor64 on new "diversity and inclusion" tenure policy at Pomona, where he is an alumnus. https://t.co/GxUCiNBzo4— David M. Perry (@Lollardfish) June 6, 2016