Friday, April 8, 2016


I'm at George Washington University today for a conference on: "Composing Disability: Crip Ecologies," a conference focusing on forms of narrative, storytelling, exchange, communication, and more. Here's the precis:

Crip Ecologies: This symposium seeks to bring together scholars, artists, advocates, and activists working across the fields of ecocriticism, disability, and queer studies. Our goal is to think through the queer interchanges of environments and bodies in more radical ways.

It's been a gorgeous set of papers so far and I'm excited to join a panel at the end of the day on "Digital Amphibians." We'll be discussing the various ways we operate in different narrative and discursive environments. Here's the roster:
5:15-6:30 Roundtable: “Digital Amphibians: Parallel Lives and Media Publics” (Jack Morton Auditorium)
Sponsored by the GW Digital Humanities Institute
Alexis Lothian (University of Maryland), fandom, social justice, digital media
David Perry (Dominican University), disability journalist and activist/author
Rachel Vorona Cote, freelance writer
Alice Wong (virtually from UCSF), Founder of the Disability Visibility Project
My goal is to introduce my notion of being within and without discipline, by which I mean doing things in a controlled, organized way, but more about my struggles to be amphibian, to operate within discipline (History, Medieval Studies, Academia) while pouring myself into this modern, journalistic, loose, discourse.

It's not being streamed, but it will be tweeted under the hashtag #CompDis16