Friday, January 27, 2017

Month One: Pacific Standard

I'm contracted to write 6 columns a month for Pacific Standard Magazine. I might actually write more or less depending on how long they are, what news cycles require response, or whatever. But for January, I have now published 6 pieces. They are, in reverse order:

Maria Town was the disability community liaison over the last 18 months or so under Obama. I interviewed her.
Betsy DeVos didn't even demonstrate a wikipedia-level understanding of IDEA at her hearing.
I made J.K. Rowling cry with this story. So that's fun. Breaking the tweet thread for this one.

I went to Obama's Farewell. Remember the Enlightenment  took place amidst chaos. Obama thinks we might need a new one.
All the Trigger Warnings for this one. Graphic. Awful. Necessary to witness.

 I didn't think I'd be writing much about the Middle Ages when I took this gig. Instead, I am seeing medieval analogues everywhere. I wrote The New Blood Libel about anti-Jewish hate then and now.
Thanks for reading! I tend to be pretty extrospective about my writing, as writing about writing helps me write.