Monday, March 14, 2016

Where Is Hope - Police Violence and Disability

Today at the Ed Roberts Campus in Berkeley, CA, I'll be attending a showing of Where is Hope, a film on police violence and disability. I've seen the film, and it's direct and powerful, forcing viewers to really think about the experience of violence at the hands of law enforcement, and particularly why that violence falls so heavily on people with disabilities.

Here's the event page. If  you're in the area, come see it. Or follow them on Facebook/Twitter and find out when there's a showing you can attend.

Here's a piece by Moore on a forum on the issue from 2001, but he's been working on this since the early 90s. I feel very fortunate to be able to learn more about the history of this movement from him.

If you are concerned about police use of force and disability - and if you read this page you probably are - you could try to bring Moore and his co-creator, Emmitt Thrower, to your campus, organization, or community.