Friday, February 12, 2016

Resource: Mount St. Mary's Survey for New Students

Mount St. Mary's University gave a survey to its incoming class that allegedly was used as a tool to identify the most at-risk members in order to try to drive them from the school. I will have a piece on this with The Establishment soon.

Here's the survey via Scribd. Given its alleged purpose, I find the introduction Orwellian in its rhetoric.
This year, we are going to start the Veritas Symposium by providing you with a very valuable tool that will help you discover more about yourself. This survey has been developed by a leadership team here at The Mount, and it is based on some of the leading thinking in the area of personal motivation and key factors that determine motivation, success, and happiness. We will ask you some questions about yourself that we would like you to answer as honestly as possible. There are no wrong answers.

In a few weeks, we will provide you with some insights into what your responses show about the person you are and could become. We believe everyone here has potential to become someone way beyond what you may think possible right now. We will provide some thoughts on the types of activities, courses, and experiences you should seek at The Mount, as well as some areas you should think about working on in order to be happy and successful. Self-discovery is one of the most important aspects of a college education, as Aristotle said: "knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."
More to come on the disability aspects of this survey.