Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday Roundup: Disability and Abuse .. plus Star Wars

Three published pieces this week. Two on disability and violence, and one on Star Wars.
The CNN piece didn't get as much readership as the other two, so ... you could share it? I think it's important. I wrote:
The victim was Philip Coleman, who died in custody (reportedly of an adverse reaction to medication) not long after being repeatedly being stunned with a Taser and dragged from his cell. The autopsy found evidence of considerable physical trauma, with more than 50 bruises and abrasions all over his body.
The people responsible for this violence must be held accountable. At the same time, we need to examine the system that put Coleman in the hands of the police in the first place. We must stop focusing all our attention on handling mental health crises and instead devote more resources to keeping people out of crisis altogether.
Too much time and money is being focused on crisis response. Crisis avoidance would be better. And we know how to do it.

Lots of blog posts since the last roundup. What do you like?
Thanks for reading!