Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday Roundup - Ethics in Journalism and Other Stories

This week I got very mad at the Washington Post for sharing a document intended to provide the police with an exculpatory narrative in the case of Freddie Gray.
We afford the police a lot of respect in terms of creating narratives. I think that has to stop. Not just because of Freddie Gray, but also Jeremy Hutton, a man with Down syndrome shot in 2010
I was pleased about Accountability - Justice for Freddie Gray - Marilyn Mosby
I was pleased about how Phil Plait Apologized for Transphobia

I am mixed in my reaction to the (for DC Super Hero Girls. Also this blog - Comics and Sexism - DC Hero Girls.

And puzzled about the best way to engage with Disability Abortion Narratives.

Meanwhile, academia displeases me.