Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday Roundup

In case you missed it. I wrote about Jesus' Wife, Academic Fatherhood (and some pre-panel thoughts about a roundtable on parenting in academia. I'll have more to say on this next week, I hope), and two more pieces on gender. One was about women and men getting invited to talk on the television, the other on a blogger reminding me of my essential rule for male feminist discourse: It's not about you.

On Monday I celebrated Chili's backing out of its sponsorship of an anti-vax group by offering the op-ed I would have published on CNN had they not. Jenny McCarthy wrote an op-ed yesterday, though, that has me fuming. Stay tuned (eventually. It's a busy part of the semester) for more thoughts on trying to put a respectable face on the anti-vax movement.

The piece that got the most buzz this week was about Frozen vs Little Mermaid. Sing it with me, LET IT GO! LET IT GO! ... If you scroll down to the bottom of my essay, you'll see my daughter singing, and it will make you happier. There's also an important point about "I want" vs "I am." I'm passing the post around to various parenting sites in case they want it.

Heading out to LAX to fly home in a bit. See you tomorrow.